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There is an emotional side to any issue we might encounter in live, this could be an illness or a physical condition we are having, a difficult relationship, a repetitive pattern such us, having the same type of boss, having the same argument with friends or family no matter how many times we have changed groups…


Our body reacts to our emotions, when we feel happy, excited our body thrills and expands with us, but when we are stress or feel fear, anxiety… our body contracts. These contractions don’t allow energy to flow and blockages might occur…


From our very early experiences we start accumulating energy instead of letting it flow. The reason why this energy is stored in our body is because when we live these experiences, we are not capable to deal with them as they might be too painful or difficult with the resources that we have in that moment.


This energy or these blockages stay with us hidden in our subconscious mind and keep manifesting as patterns that will repeat until we understand and allow ourselves to look at them.

There is a reason why we live certain experiences in live and it is not until we find the root of what is happening that we can start living the way we like.






Make concious choices by tapping into your subconscious

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